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Лучшая роль Ниам Уилсон
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Hello and welcome! Hey everybody, before you the fan-site of talented young actress Niamh Wilson, become known thanking its heroine from series of movies "Saw" - Corbett Denlon. This site is devoted also its heroines too. Niahm played several known films, you may know her from the "Haunting Sarah", "The Marsh", "SAW-III" and "SAW-V", "They Come Back" and others.

The site is created and aims to bring news, photos, information, and all similar, concerning this new bright young star! We hope here will be pleasant and interesting for you!


Всем привет и добро пожаловать! Перед вами фан-сайт талантливой молодой актрисы Ниам Уилсон (Niamh Wilson) ставшей известной благодаря её героини из франчайза "Пила" - Корбетт Дэнлон. Этот сайт посвящен и её героини тоже. Ниам играла в нескольких известных фильмах, вы моежете помнить её по её ярким ролям в фильмах "Шестое чувство Сары" (Haunting Sarah), "Топь" (The Marsh), "Пила-3" и "Пила-5" (SAW-III, SAW-V), "Они возвращаются" (They Come Back).

Сайт создан для размещение новостей, фотографий, информации, и всему подобному, касающемуся это яркой молодой звезды! Мы надеемся вам будет здесь приятно и интересно! Наслаждайтесь и оставайтесь с нами!

Свежие Новости / Latest News

Views: 1418 | Added by: President | Date: 18.12.2008

Появились 3 новые фото Ниам с официального сайта. / There a 3 new photos from official site.
... Read more »
Views: 3051 | Added by: President | Date: 05.04.2010 | Comments (0)

There is a bonus scene after end credits of Saw-VI with Niamh, plays her character Corbett.

Views: 2271 | Added by: President | Date: 16.01.2010 | Comments (0)

Нив увлекается не только кино, но и ирландскими танцами. Недавно она приобрела новое игрландское платье и даже выиграла приз на соревнованиях, за танец "Slip Jig". И на появились две её эксклюзивные фотографии.

Второе фото в галлерее:

Well, besides acting, Niamh is really busy with another thing she loves -- which would be Irish Dancing. She recently got a new Irish solo dress and even won a trophy in a competition for a kind of dance that is called "Slip Jig". Many congratulations, Niamh! woohoo.gif You can now find 2 adorable pictures of her in her pretty new dress by clicking the previews below. And exclusive image appear on official site:
Views: 1345 | Added by: President | Date: 07.11.2009 | Comments (0)

Finaly new video clips are released on official Niamh's web site!

Link for download all videos in archive from Megaupload:
Views: 1442 | Added by: President | Date: 16.10.2009 | Comments (0)

Niamh will play role in "Heatland" today, october 11 at 7pm. Sinopsis is:

This Sunday we have a new episode entitled "Little Secrets". Written by Leila Basen and David Preston and directed by Steve DiMarco, the episode finds Amy attempting to rebuild the bond between ten-year-old Taylor (played by guest star Niamh Wilson) and her horse, after Taylor had been seriously injured. When things take an unexpected turn - as they often do on Heartland - we, along with Amy, learn that the problem may not lie with the horse.

Also in the episode, Ty tries to patch things up between Caleb and Ashley in hopes of getting the loft back to himself, and Tim and Lou have words over the profitableness of the Dude Ranch.

Views: 1384 | Added by: President | Date: 11.10.2009 | Comments (0)

Ниам совсем недавно получила новую роль! Её пригласили сыграл в сериале "Heartland" в третьем сезоне. Поздравляем Ниам с новой ролью! Персонаж, которого она будет играть, сейчас еще не известен, но в скором времени мы надеемся заполучить дополнение к этой новости.


has just booked a new role! It's a guest starring role on a tv series called "Heartland". Many congrats, Niamh! The episode with Niamh will be one from the upcoming 3rd season. But it's unknown now what role she'll play.
Views: 1288 | Added by: President | Date: 12.05.2009 | Comments (0)

На официальном сайте сменили дизайн:

Красивые весенние тона)
Views: 1408 | Added by: President | Date: 30.04.2009 | Comments (0)

У очаровательной Ниам сегодня День Рождения! Ей исполнилось 12 лет! Поздравляем с этим замечательным праздником, желаем успехов в карьере, здоровья, удачи и позитива по жизни, большой любви и много-много счастья!

It's Niamh's Birthday today! She is 12 years old now. We congratulate her with this remarkable holiday, and wish successes in career, health, good luck and a positive on a life, the big love and a lot of happiness!

Happy Birthday!

Views: 1447 | Added by: President | Date: 09.03.2009

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